Friday, September 3, 2010

C-Merman Movie

A lone C-Boy is on the run from raiders who destroyed his home. After traveling for many months, he is abducted by a scientist working for the US Government. He was brought to a secret facility containing the governments secret weapon, The DNA Mixer. C-Boy was put in a cage next to a genetically altered fish. The Government planned on making C-Boy a super soldier who could heal fast and have super strength. After months and months of testing, the project was a failure. No results came from the many many experiments. One night, a storm brewed. It happened to be the most violent storm of the year. A lightning bolt hit the building, activating the DNA Mixer prematurely. C-Boy was forever changed. Fused together to the altered fish. The DNA Mixer activated his fast healing and strength abilities. He now dedicates his life to doing good and defeating evil. The world now knows his name as, C-MERMAN, KNIGHT OF THE OCEAN.


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