Friday, July 2, 2010

Genealogy DNA Test - What is a Genealogy DNA Test?

The process of finding out who the biological parents are of a child is much easier and faster today that in the past. The results are also so accurate that there is no room for question when it comes to learning if the child is or isn't belonging to a particular individual. The emotional strain of having to wonder if a child you thought was yours really is needs to be taken care of as quickly as possible so the person can start moving forward from there.

DNA testing plays an important role in parental issues that end up in the court room including custody and child support. DNA test results can also prove infidelity and thus grounds for a divorce to be granted by the courts. The technology behind DNA testing allows us to identify the unique genetic profile of each person. This information can't be altered or duplicated.

A genealogy DNA test is 100% accurate and accepted in the scientific, medical, and legal aspects of our society. They are used to determine the parentage of a given child without any errors being made. This is important because you definitely don't want to make legal rulings on information that may be found later to be inaccurate.

In order for a court of law to accept a genealogy DNA test it has to be completed by a reputable agency by a qualified individual. There are some companies that offer home DNA test kits. While you can use the results from them for your own purposes you won't be able to use them in a court of law. There are simply too many outlets for tampering to take place.

If you have any questions about your child's biological links then you owe it to yourself and to your child to find out for sure. You can't beat the accuracy offered by DNA testing. It is one of the most advance discoveries of our society and it is being used to establish paternity all over the world. Genealogy DNA test results will help you find peace of mind.

If you found this information on Genealogy DNA Test useful, you'll also want to read about Cheap Home Paternity DNA Test.

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